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Save The Date! 

The 2025 Georgia Water Resources Conference will be held from March 25-26 at the Georgia Center for Continuing Education. 

Learn about the River Basin Center

The River Basin Center connects freshwater science to management and policy. Although affiliated with the Odum School of Ecology, we are known for an interdisciplinary approach; our members are drawn from units across the University of Georgia.

River Basin Center faculty, staff and students work on aquatic management issues around the globe, but the center maintains an emphasis on the southeastern US.

UpComing Events

Ecology Seminar Series: Jack Liu

10:20 am

Ecology Building Ecology Auditorium (Room 201)

Ecology Seminar Series: Colin Kremer

10:20 am

Ecology Building Ecology Auditorium (Room 201)

Ecology Seminar Series: Chris Frost

10:20 am

Ecology Building Ecology Auditorium (Room 201)

Ecology Seminar Series: Priyanga Amarasekare

10:20 am

Ecology Building Ecology Auditorium (Room 201)

Ecology Seminar Series: Antonio Baeza

10:20 am

Ecology Building Ecology Auditorium (Room 201)

Recent News

A new study authored by RBC affiliate Charles Van Rees was published in WIREs Water, discussing ways to maximize the benefits of levee setbacks, a form of natural infrastructure that allows for more effective conservation of riverine ecosystems.

Contact us

 Please contact with questions 

Front desk: 706-583-0463

Our location:

203 D. W. Brooks Drive, Athens, GA 30602

RBC members and affiliates are based through the University of Georgia campus.

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