Georgia Water Resource Conference 2021 Schedule

8:30 a.m.


9:00 a.m.

Panel: Telling Your Water Story (Molly Samuel, WABE Radio)

You’re doing interesting work, and people might like to hear about it! Reporters and public information officers will discuss how they find ideas, how they put stories together, how they work with experts, and how they make sure they get their stories right. Attend this panel to learn more about working with reporters and with the communications experts at your own institutions, and to get ideas on telling the story of your work. Speakers include: Molly Samuel, WABE Radio, Marlena Reed, The Nature Conservancy, Rick Lavender, Georgia Department of Natural Resources, and Jill Nolin, Georgia Recorder

10:00 a.m.

Q&A: Coastal Ecosystems in a Changing World (Special Session: Kimberly Takagi, College of Coastal Georgia)

The Effects of Boat Traffic on a Georgia Salt Marsh, Hollie Hancock, College of Coastal Georgia

Effects of Sea Level Rise and Saltwater Intrusion on Tidal Freshwater Marshes: An Experimental Approach, Courtney Mobilian and Christopher CraftIndiana State University

“Plug and Play” Water Quality Education in the Classroom, Taylor Warren, Kimberly Takagi, and James Deemy, College of Coastal Georgia

A Review of the Methodology for Identifying Head of Tide in Upland Rivers Using Fourier and Wavelet analyses, Summer Wright and Chris Hintz, Savannah State University

Q&A: Green and Gray Infrastructure

Effects of Parklands on Water Quality of Metro-Atlanta Streams with Urbanized Headwaters, Caleb Sytsma, University of Georgia

A Study on the Assessment of Corrosivity of Atmospheric Environments on Steel Structures, Ehsanul Kabir, Georgia Southern University

Monitoring Bioretention Efficacy on Interstate 20 in Atlanta to Assess Water Quality, Gleicy Cavalcante, University of Georgia

Integrating Green Infrastructure into Non-Point Source and Stormwater Management in Georgia, Christine McKay, United States EPA

10:30 a.m

Q&A: Climate and Hydrology

Thirty Years of Change: Land Use/Land Cover and Discharge in the Altamaha And Satilla River Watershed, James Deemy and Nellie Little, College of Coastal Georgia

Characterization of Seasonality of Precipitation for Southeastern United States, Nirajan Dhakal, Spelman College

Statistical Analysis of Trends in Annual Peak Streamflows in Georgia, South Carolina, and North Carolina, Anthony Gotvald, USGS

Introducing the New USGS National Water Dashboard, Brian McCallum, USGS South Atlantic Water Science Center

U.S. Geological Survey is Building Capacity To Provide Water-Use Information in Near-Real Time, Jaime Painter, USGS

An Assessment of the Effects of Recent Flooding on the Flood Frequency Statistics for the Streamflow Gaging Stations in Georgia, South Carolina, and North Carolina, Jonathan W. Musser, USGS

Regional Low-Flow Frequency Equations for Alabama: A Template for Georgia, South Carolina, and North Carolina, Toby Feaster, USGS

Okefenokee in the Balance: Protecting the Swamp for Georgia’s Climate Resilience, Elise Bennet, Center for Biological Diversity, and Rena Peck, Georgia River Network

Q&A Modeling 1

Computational Modeling of Microplastics to Assess Environmental Fate: A Review, Amy Gruss, Kennesaw State University

Event Scale Sediment Yield Modeling on Agricultural Geographically Isolated Wetlands in Southwest Georgia, Coleman Barrie, Auburn University

USGS National Hydrologic Model: Continental Scale Modeling for Decision-making, Research, and Education at Local, Regional, and National Scales, Jacob LaFontaine, USGS

11:00 a.m.

Panel: Water-Resources Education: From the Classroom to Community Stewardship (Robin McLachlan)

Water resources play a vital role in everyone’s lives, whether we simply rely on water resources to survive or we also have academic and/or professional expertise in the topic. In academic settings, water resources are generally taught with a focus on climatology and ecology, though the impact of water resources reaches much deeper into our society, from urban planning to environmental management to economic prosperity. This session will host speakers from a variety of professional and academic backgrounds to discuss how we can diversify education of water resources from within the classroom to within our broader communities. Emphasis will be placed on service learning and community-science projects. Panelists include: Robin McLachlan, College of Coastal Georgia, Catherine Teare Ketter, University of Georgia, Kevin Goff, Chesapeake Bay Governors School, Luke Roberson, Georgia Adopt-a-Wetland, and Monica Kilpatrick, Project WET

12:00 p.m.

Plenary Speaker: Looking 40 Years Backwards and Forwards, Laurie Fowler, The River Basin Center, UGA

1:00 p.m.


1:30 p.m.

Q&A Septic and Wastewater

Analysis of the Spatial Distribution and Potential Environmental Impact of Septic System Drain Fields in Athens-Clarke County, Georgia, Zachery McInnis, University of North Georgia

Using Macroinvertebrates as Indicators of Septic Tank Density, Jonathan Fox, University of Georgia

Whose Crap is This? Septic Systems and Sea Level Rise, Katie Hill, University of Georgia

Spatial, Temporal, and Economic Drivers of Septic System Maintenance in Athens-Clarke County, Georgia, Kyle Connelly, University of Georgia

Do Sediment Cores from Lake Sidney Lanier (Georgia) Reflect On-Site Septic System Phosphorus Inputs? Sharon Fitzgerald, USGS

Q&A: Coastal Stormwater Management with Green Infrastructure (Special Session: Kelly Hill and Jessica Brown)

Mitigating Flood Issues While Creating an Educational Resource for the Public, Jessica Warren, UGA Extension

An Exploration of Perceptions of Seasonal Change in Coastal Bioretention Cells, Kelsey Broich, UGA Marine Extension and Georgia Sea Grant

Installation of Rainwater Harvesting and Bioretention in Savannah, GA, Laura Walker, City of Savannah Water Resources

Implementation of BMPs for Watershed Management and Flood Resiliency: A Case Study, Robert Brown, Goodwyn, Mills and Cawood, Inc.

Grant Funding for Stormwater Management, an Example in Brunswick, GA, Garrow Alberson, City of Brunswick

2:00 p.m.

Q&A: An Example of a Multi-Dimensional Stream Enhancement Project: Crayfish Creek (Special Session, Emily Rogers, University of Georgia)

What happens when the elected officials, CEOs, NGOs, regulators, consultants and a student walk onto a point bar? Speakers include stakeholders from the community, agencies and academia led by Emily Rogers who is pursuing Landscape Architecture at the College of Environment & Design at the University of Georgia. Speakers include: Annie Couch, NPS Hydrologist, Jay Shelton and Jon Calabria, University of Georgia, Shae Hoschek, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

Recorded talk: The Community Around A Stream Enhancement Project: Crayfish Creek

Q&A: Remote Sensing

Salt Marsh Monitoring Change Detection of Cumberland Island National Seashore, David F. Richards IV, University of Georgia

Using NDWI to Evaluate Maps of Small Isolated Depressional Wetlands in the Dougherty Plain, Kaelyn Tyler, College of Coastal Georgia

A Pilot Analysis of Remotely Sensing Episodic Flow Events Using a Novel Landsat-8 NDWI Processing Tool, Travis Simmons, College of Coastal Georgia

Integrating Space-Borne Remotely Sensed Imagery into a Near-Real-Term Agricultural Water-Use Assessment, Lynn Torak, USGS

Geospatial Technology Application for Small Reservoir Design with Environmental-friendly Decision Support, Sudhanshu Panda, University of North Georgia

Satellite-Based Assessment of Lake Lanier Chlorophyll A. Husayn El-Sharif, Xiaofeng Liu, and Aris P. Georgakakos, GWRI

2:30 p.m.

Q&A: Contamination

GIS Techniques for Assessing Water Supply Watersheds and Protecting Source Waters, Alexandra Orrego, Metropolitan North Georgia Water Planning District

Removal of Boron and Bromide from Coal Combustion Residual Wastewater by Precipitation and Filtration, William Crumpacker, University of Georgia

Microbial Source Identification in Watershed with Concentration-Discharge Diagram (C-q chart): An Application in a Central Michigan River, Huiyun Wu, EPA

Examining Mycofiltration Efficacy in a First-Order Urban Stream: Water Resources in Urban and Suburban Environments, Lacey Davis, Georgia State University

Principles of Operation in Novel UV Nitrate Sensing Technology, Kerry Caslow

Q&A: Emerging Technology in Environmental and Water Resources (Special Session, Tien Yee, Kennesaw State University)

Digital Twins: Emerging Technology in Water System Simulation, Rasheed Ahmad, WSP, USA

Uncertainty Estimation in Hydrologic Modeling Using Bayesian Model Averaging Within the GLUE Framework, Huidae Cho, University of North Georgia

A Prescriptive Criterion for Amphibious Foundation Design, Metin Oguzmert and Erin Hughes, Kennesaw State University

Towards a Computational Fluid Dynamics model for ultraviolet disinfection of E. Coli, Tien Yee, Kennesaw State University

Computational Modeling of Microplastics to Assess Environmental Fate: A Review, Amy Gruss, Kennesaw State University

Georgia Tech Web-based Information Sharing Environment (GT-WISE). Veronica M. Paez, Martin Kistenmacher, and Aris P. Georgakakos, Georgia Water Resources Institute

3:00 p.m.

Q&A: Water Resources in Urban and Suburban Environments (Special Session: Luke Pangle, Georgia State University)

Intra-Annual Variations in Streamflow Elucidate the Effects of Urbanization on Watersheds, Jeremy Diem, Georgia State University

Contextualizing Infiltration and Inflow Within the Streamflow Regime of Urban Watersheds, Luke Pangle, Georgia State University

Relationship Between Urban Land Use Variation and Base and Stormflow Water Quality in a Highly Urbanized Watershed, Atlanta, GA, Chris Wheeler, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

Proctor Creek Restoration Design, Jon Calabria, University of Georgia

Beaver Dam Analogs in an Urban Stream: Lessons Learned from one Form-Based Restoration Project, Sarah Ledford, Georgia State University

Q&A: Stream & Wetland Mitigation in Georgia: What’s Changed and How Well is it Working? (Special Session: Eric Somerville, EPA)

A Function-Based Approach to Mitigation Credits in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Savannah District, Justin Hammonds, U. S. Army Corps of Engineers

Mitigation in Georgia, a Stream Restoration Practitioner’s Review of the 2018 US Army Corps of Engineers Savannah District’s Stream Quantification Tool, Sean Miller, Blueway LLC

Development of Stream Mitigation Performance Standards for Georgia, Eric Somerville, EPA

Wetland Mitigation in GA – A Practitioner’s Perspective, Tony Greco, Nutter and Associates

3:30 p.m.

Q&A: Ecosystem Processes 1

Biogeochemical Storage in Agriculturally-Influenced Geographically Isolated Wetlands in the Dougherty Plain, Chloe Eggert, Auburn University

Assessing Short-Term Microalgal Community Responses to Altering Hyrological Conditions in Experimental Wetlands, Maggie Kuhn, Georgia Southern University

Environmental Impact Assessment of Filling a Drainage Ditch on Wetlands of the Alapaha River Wildlife Management Area (ARWMA), Sabahattin Ilik, University of Georgia

Assessing Drought Effects on Consumer-Mediated Ecosystem Processes Using Experimental Wetlands, Ms. Victoria Baglin, Georgia Southern University

A Paleolimnological Reconstruction of Nutrient Transport Throughout the Reservoirs of the Chattahoochee River, Benjamin Webster, Auburn University

Chlorophyll Estimation in Lakes Using Multi-Parameter Sonde Data, Xiaofeng Liu and Aris P. Georgakakos, Georgia Water Resources Institute, and Brigette Haram, Gwinnett County Department of Water Resources

Q&A: Involving Communities

Water Resource Extension Programming Survey, Martin Wunderly, University of Georgia

Exploring the Impacts of Tides and Waves Through Lived Experiences, Skye Lewis, College of Coastal Georgia

How Ethnohydrology Informs Water and Wastewater Education, Hayley Joyell Smith, University of Georgia

Leveraging Community-Agency Collaborations for Enhanced Water Quality and Aquatic Biodiversity Research in an Urban Stream Ecosystem, Na’Taki Osborne Jelks, Spelman College, West Atlanta Watershed Alliance

Relationship Between Citizen Science and the UN Sustainable Development Goals, Dilek Fraisl, International Institute for Applied System Analysis (IIASA)

4:00 p.m.

Panel Discussion: Water in Geospatial Higher Education (Amber Ignatius, University of North Georgia)

This round-table panel discussion will explore the intersection of Geospatial Theory and Water Resources in environmental education. A group of faculty from multiple universities will meet via a live zoom session to share their experience and formulate suggested strategies for effective teaching. This informal 75 minute panel will generate documentation of current pedagogy and inspire our community of geospatial educators. Speakers include: Amber Ignatius, University of North Georgia (*facilitator)Deepak Mishra, University of GeorgiaLakeisha Coleman, ESRIRichard Milligan, Georgia State UniversityMichael Page, Emory UniversityJacob McDonald, University of North Georgia

5:00 p.m.


Day Two: Tuesday March 23rd

9:00 a.m.

Flint River Basin Restoration and Conservation (Steve Golladay, Jones Center and Gail Cowie, Georgia Water Planning and Policy Center)

A panel including brief presentations from each speaker, followed by a panel. View the speakers and their topics below!

The Upper Flint River Working Group: Collaborative Efforts for Drought Resilience, Ben Emanuel, American Rivers

Low Streamflow Effects on Biota to Support Management in Perennial Systems, Laura Rack, University of Georgia

Stakeholder-Driven Modeling in Support of Groundwater Sustainability: The Floridan Aquifer Collaborative Engagement for Sustainability (FACETS) Project, Mark Masters, Georgia Water and Planning Policy Center

Restoration of an iconic spring, Perri Campus, University of Georgia

Forest restoration as a water conservation strategy, Steve Brantley

10:00 a.m.

Interpretation and Implications of the 2020 Navigable Waters Protection Rule Panel (Frank Henning, Woodard & Curran)

The Navigable Waters Protection Rule: Definition of WOTUS was published on April 21, 2020 and went into effect June 22, 2020. The Final Rule identifies and updates regulations that govern waters that are defined as “waters of the U.S” (WOTUS) and considered to be jurisdictional. The new rule changed the delineation of jurisdictional wetlands adjacent to other jurisdictional waters. These changes are impacting the delineation of wetlands, the mitigation banks that offer wetland credit, entities seeking to impact adjacent wetlands, and wetland landcover. Changes to federal wetland protections may result in increased wetland regulation by state and local governments. This session will include representatives from USACE, state government, local government, private wetland consulting firms, and university scientists to understand the interpretation and implications of the 2020 Navigable Waters Protection Rule. Speakers include: Cory Rayburn, Georgia EPD, and Michael Berry, Frank Henning, Will Medlin, and Reid Heaton, Woodard & Curran

11:00 a.m.

Q&A Citizen Science and the SDGs (Special Session: Bailey Crapps, Georgia Department of Natural Resources)

Engagement of individual stakeholders enhances understanding of community water infrastructure, Krista Capps, Nandita Gaur, and Rebecca Abney, University of Georgia

Relationship between Citizen Science and the UN Sustainable Development Goals, Dilek Fraisl, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis

Swim Drink Fish Community Based Water Monitoring Hubs: Giving meaning and force to environmental protections, Mark Mattson, Swim Drink Fish

The Dragonfly Mercury Project: A National Scale Assessment of Mercury Bioaccumulation and Risk in US National Parks Through a Citizen Science Framework, Colleen Flanagan Pritz, National Park Service and Collin Eagles-Smith, USGS

Maryland Stream Waders: Filling in the Gaps, Sara Weglein, Maryland Department of Natural Resources

Q&AMolecular Monitoring in Ambient and Wastewaters (Special Session: Anna McKee, USGS)

An Introduction to Environmental DNA, Anna McKee, USGS

Shifts in Microbial Community Composition and Microbial-Mediated Processes with Cyanobacterial Algal Bloom Formation and Cyanotoxin Occurrence, Carrie E. Givens, USGS Upper Midwest Water Science Center

From Nuisance to Resource: Understanding Bacterial and Microbial Sources of Contamination in Urban Stormwater-Impacted Bodies of Water, Megan Beaudry, University of Georgia

Wastewater Surveillance for SARS-CoV-2 in Athens, Georgia, Megan Lott, University of Georgia

Modeling the Impact of Urban Development in Proctor Creek, Atlanta Using Microbial Source Tracking Markers and Pathogen Occurrence, Marirosa Molina, United States EPA

Detecting Freshwater Mussels with eDNA: Improving Methods and Existing Challenges, Stephen Spear, USGS

Environmental DNA Tools for Mapping Appalachian Salamander Communities, Todd W. Pierson, Kennesaw State University

11:30 am

Q&A FACETS: Floridan Aquifer Collaborative Engagement for Sustainability (Special Session: Puneet Dwivedi, University of Georgia)

Improved Forest Processes and Attributes Enhance Hydrological Predictions in Watershed Modeling, Henrique Haas and Latif Kalin, Auburn University

Risk Preference and Economics of Best Management Practices to Improve Water Quality and Quantity in the Upper Floridan Aquifer, Amanda Smith, Rachel Judd, and Yangxuan Liu, University of Georgia

Estimating Marginal Costs of Additional Water Flow from a Loblolly Pine Stand in South Georgia, United States, Ranjit Bawa and Puneet Dwivedi, University of Georgia

Designing Watersheds for Integrated Development (DWID): A Case Study from the Little River Watershed, Puneet Dwivedi, Ranjit Bawa, Nahal Hoghooghi, Latif Kalin, and Brian Bledsoe, University of Georgia

Q&A Agriculture

Investigating the effect of agricultural geographically isolated wetlands on hydrology and water quality of the Dougherty Plain, Georgia, Frances O’Donnell, Auburn University

Drinking Water Quality for Georgia Livestock, Martin Wunderly, University of Georgia

Cotton Irrigation Scheduling: Which Method is a Best Fit? Calvin Perry, University of Georgia

12 p.m.

Plenary: Marc Cammarrata, Deputy Water Commissioner, Philadelphia Water Department

1 p.m.


1:30 p.m.

Q&A: Learning From Other River Basins (Special Session: Laurie Fowler and Ron Carroll, University of Georgia)

Coping with Scarcity – Lessons from the Colorado River, Anne Castle, Getches-Wilkinson Center

Managing California’s Water for Multiple Objectives and Multiple Stressors, Jeffrey Mount, Public Policy Institute of California

Q&A Conservation 1

The Flint River Biodiversity Project: Highlighting the Endemic Species and Iconic Habitats that Make the Flint River Watershed Unique, Jamie L. Rogers, The Jones Center at Ichuaway

Oconee River Watershed Partnership: Increasing Source Water Protection Capacity in the Oconee River Watershed, Cassidy Lord, Oconee River Watershed Partnership (UOWN)

Assessing the Effects of Stream Restoration on Fish Communities Using Publicly-Available Data: Is It Even Possible? Edward Stowe, University of Georgia

Aquatic Macroinvertebrate Sampling Methods for Non-regulatory Programs, Elizabeth McCarty, University of Georgia

Where Have All the Robust Redhorse Gone? Georgia Conservation Update, Paula Marcinek, Georgia Department of Natural Resources

2:00 p.m.

Q&A Conservation 2

Assessing and Addressing Barriers to Fish Passage at Road-Stream Crossings in Georgia, Sara Gottlieb, The Nature Conservancy

Longleaf Pine Forest Restoration Increases Geographically Isolated Wetland (GIW) Hydroperiod in Southwestern Georgia, Stephen Golladay, The Jones Center at Ichauway

Discovery and monitoring of an exotic loach Misgurnus anguillicaudatus in a tributary of the Middle Oconee River near Athens, GA, Duncan Elkins, University of Georgia

Assessing the Effects of Model Complexity and Resolution On Environmental Flow Decision Making and Ecological Outcomes in the Middle Oconee River, Georgia, Caitlin Conn, University of Georgia

Q&A Water Management 1

Combining the Trends of Increasing Water Rates with Decreasing Indoor Water Use for a More Accurate Analyses of Water and Sewer Service Affordability for Low-Income Customers, Andrew D Morris, Metropolitan North Georgia Water Planning District

Leading Plumbing Fixture Adoption in the Metro Atlanta Region, Ms. Celine Benoit, Metropolitan North Georgia Planning District

Optimal Delineation of Reservoir Operating Zones with Application to the ACF River Basin, Bilal Iftikhar and Aris P. Georgakakos, Georgia Water Resources Institute

2:30 p.m.

Q&A Groundwater

Estimating Evapotranspiration and Groundwater Recharge from Soil Moisture Profile Event and Recession Dynamics at the Panola Mountain Research Watershed, Georgia, Brent Aulenbach, USGS

Groundwater Conditions in Georgia, an Update, Debbie Gordon, USGS

The Buffering Role of Groundwater for Riparian Trees During Drought Periods at the Panola Mountain Research Watershed, Jeffrey Riley, USGSAbstract and Youtube Link

A Topographically Based, GIS-driven, and Two-Dimensional Water Table Model Built on the One-Dimensional Dupuit Equation, Scott Raulerson, University of Georgia

Q&A: Ecosystem Processes 2

The Effect of Hydrilla verticillata on Water Quality with Lake Seminole, Chelsea Smith, The Jones Center at Ichauway

Investigating the Effects of Nitrates on Macroinvertebrates, Jonathan Fox, University of Georgia

Evaluating the Effects of Landscape Scale Habitat Variability on White Shrimp (Litopenaeus Setiferus) Population Dynamics in Georgia Estuaries, Matt Kenworthy, Savannah State University

Effects of Drought on Physicochemical, Nutrient and Carbon Metrics of Flows in the Savannah River, GA, Kelsey Wilbanks, University of Georgia

Case Study Evaluating the Efficacy of a Regional Hydrogeomorphic Approach Guidebook Biogeochemical Cycling Function Incorporating Plankton Dynamics in a Georgia (USA) Salt Marsh, Katie Lamp’l, University of Georgia

3:00 p.m.

Q&A/Panel Biosolids and Residuals Handling and Disposal: Regulatory and Industry Trends (Special Session: Danny Johnson, Metropolitan North Georgia Water Planning District)

A multi-speaker and panel discussion related to regulatory and industry challenges related to the disposal of water residuals and wastewater biosolids. Speakers include:

  1. Audra Dickson, Georgia EPD – Water Branch
  2. Amanda Carroll, GEFA, Steve Simpson, Black & Veatch, Greg Knight, Black & Veatch
  3. Panel Discussion
    1. Justin Garmon, Gwinnett County
    2. Steve Hall, Denali Water Solutions
    3. William Cook, Georgia EPD – Land Branch
    4. Keith Stevens, Georgia EPD – Land Branch

Q&A Coastal 1

A Conceptual Model of the Hydrogeologic Function of Coastal Terraces and Beach Ridges on the Southeast Georgia Coastal Plain, Kaitlyn N. Williams, College of Coastal Georgia

Coastal Island Environmental Management Decision Support through Geo-Hydrologic Modeling Approach, Sudhanshu Panda, University of North Georgia

Does Groundwater Chemistry Differ Between Healthy Salt Marshes and Marsh Dieback? Jessica Ware, Georgia Southern University

Stabilizing the Edge: Southeastern and Mid-Atlantic Shorescapes Facing Sea-Level Rise, Shana Jones, Carl Vinson Institute of Government

A Geophysical Investigation of the Shallow Subsurface of St. Catherines Island, GA, Jacque Kelly, Georgia Southern University

3:30 p.m.

Q&A Modeling 2

Automated Flood Potential Geospatial Model Development for Management Decision Support, Sudhanshu Panda, University of North Georgia

Open Source QSWAT Hydrologic Modeling Software Customization for Watershed Characterization Study of Lough Neagh Watershed in Northern Ireland, Sudhanshu Panda, University of North Georgia

Utilizing Lidar to Predict Soil and Hydraulic Properties in a Georgia Piedmont Floodplain, Derrick Platero, University of Georgia

Q&A Coastal 2

Saltwater Intrusion and Structural Controls Within the Groundwater System on St. Catherines Island, Georgia, James Reichard, Georgia Southern University

Managing and Developing Water Resources in the Face of Ongoing Saltwater Intrusion, Christopher Foldesi, Nutter and Associates, Inc

Saltwater Intrusion in the Floridan Aquifer System Near Downtown Brunswick, Georgia, 2020, Gregory Cherry, USGS

Integrated Urban-Hydrology-Hydraulics Modeling of Compounded Flooding in Chatham County under Climate Change, Minjae Kim and Jian Luo, Georgia Institute of Technology

Q&A Water Management 2

Vulnerability, Risk Perceptions, and the Future of Interlocal Water Supply Contracts, Emily Bell, University of Georgia

Assessing Groundwater Withdrawals for Public Water-supply Systems in Georgia Aquifers, Gerard J. Gonthier, USGS

Water Supply Efficiency Improvement: The EPD Approach, Johanna Smith, Georgia Department of Natural Resources

An Inventory and Assessment of Banks Lake National Wildlife Refuge, Raquel Olivia, University of Georgia

4:00 p.m.

Climate Change Adaptation – Municipal Water Management Perspectives Panel (Rhett Jackson)

This panel will discuss the municipal perspective on climate change adaption and will discuss topics including climate change adaptation and programs within municipal organizations, related to either water supply, flooding, or waste assimilation. Speakers include: Jane Byrne Director of Water Treatment, Charleston Water System, Katherine Atteberry, Stormwater Planning Manager, Atlanta Regional Council, Ron Feldner, City Manager of Garden City, GA, Courtney Reich, Goodwyn Mills Cawood, and Jacqueline Jarrell, Charlotte Water

5:00 p.m.

Closing remarks