Photo by Alan Cressler via Flickr. Location: Yellow River, Cedar Shoals, Newton County, Georgia.
The Ocmulgee River Basin drains over 6180 square miles across the center of Georgia before joining with the Oconee to form the Altamaha. The Ocmulgee River itself flows for approximately 255 miles, and consists of three subbasins: the Upper Ocmulgee, the Lower Ocmulgee, and the Little Ocmulgee. Other major tributaries include the the Yellow, Alcovy, and South Rivers. The name Ocmulgee comes from the Hitchiti oki + molki meaning “bubbling water.” The basin lies on originally Muscogee (Creek) land, and archaeologists have found evidence of a long line of civilization in this area dating back to the original Ice Age migration of humans into North America. The basin boasts high biodiversity, several state parks, and a long, impressively complex history. Continue exploring the Ocmulgee below.
The Ocmulgee basin is home to several major rivers, and each has its own conservation organizations. Learn more about the various organizations below.
View EPD’s TMDL Reports for the Ocmulgee River Basin.
Explore USGS data on the Ocmulgee River monitoring site near Abbeville, GA.
Learn about the EPD’s Fish Consumption Advisories online in the Guidelines for Eating Fish from Georgia’s Waters.

Photo by Alan Cressler via Flickr. Location: Ocmulgee River, Juliette Dam, Zellner Island Shoals, Jones and Monroe Counties, Georgia.

Paddle the Ocmulgee River Water Trail or the Yellow River Water Trail, or explore 12,000 years of human history at Ocmulgee National Monument.
Other parks and recreation areas: Mile Branch Park, Little Ocmulgee State Park and Lodge, Dames Ferry State Park, High Falls State Park, Indian Springs State Park
Photo by Alan Cressler via Flickr. Location: South River Falls, South River, Albert Shoals, Rockdale and Dekalb Counties, Georgia.
Learn more about the Ocmulgee, along with Georgia’s other amazing rivers, at Georgia Rivers.
Check out the Ocmulgee River User’s Guide from UGA Press.
Read about the history of the Ocmulgee River in the New Georgia Encyclopedia.
Explore Georgia State-Protected species by watershed at the Georgia Biodiversity Portal.
Photo by Alan Cressler via Flickr. Location: Ocmulgee River, Georgia.