Photo via GADNR Georgia State Parks. Location: Hamburg State Park, Georgia.
The Ogeechee River Basin hosts a wealth of wetlands, waterways and recreational areas across its 5540 square miles. The Ogeechee River runs for about 290 miles, with tributaries including the Canoochee River (which drains 1400 square miles alone!), Bear River, Big Creek, and more. It is a blackwater stream and one of the few remaining free-flowing rivers in Georgia. The river drains to the Atlantic coast near Savannah and has helped shape a number of Georgia’s coastal islands (Wassaw, Ossabaw, St. Catherine’s, Blackbeard, and Sapelo). The name Ogeechee may originate from the Yuchi people who once lived in the area, as the basin lies on Muscogee (Creek) land that was home to many people groups. Continue exploring the Ogeechee below.
Get involved on the Ogeechee at Ogeechee Riverkeeper. Conservation organizations for tributaries of the Ogeechee, such as Friends of South Newport River, are also growing.
Read EPD’s TMDL Reports for the Ogeechee River Basin.
Check out EPD’s Ogeechee River Basin Management Plan, completed 2001.
Learn about the EPD’s Fish Consumption Advisories online in the Guidelines for Eating Fish from Georgia’s Waters.
Photo by Alan Cressler via Flickr. Location: Ogeechee River, Midville, Burke County, Georgia.

Photo by @kipphowe via GADNR Georgia State Parks. Location: Skidaway Island State Park, Georgia.
The Ogeechee basin is home to many amazing spots to explore. Take a look around A.H. Stephens State Historical Park in Crawfordville or Fort McAllister State Historical Park just south of Savannah. Learn about the natural history and biodiversity of South Georgia at Blackbeard Island National Wildlife Refuge and Wassaw National Wildlife Refuge. You can also go camping in Hamburg State Park, enjoying a unique combination of history and outdoor fun. Check out Ogeechee Riverkeeper’s Recreation Map for more information.
Other parks and recreation areas: George L. Smith State Park, Skidaway Island State Park
Learn more about the Ogeechee, along with Georgia’s other amazing rivers, at Georgia Rivers.
Explore Georgia State-Protected species by watershed at the Georgia Biodiversity Portal.
Photo by Alan Cressler via Flickr. Location: Ogeechee River, Midville, Burke County, Georgia.

Map of the Ogeechee River Basin. Created by Anna Baynes (UGA River Basin Center).