Sacred Waters: the Okeefenokee in Peril

RBC affiliates Rhett Jackson and Lori Sutter are featured in Sacred WatersThe Okefenokee in Peril, a documentary about the current titanium mining threat facing Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge. Sacred Waters is presented by the Okefenokee Protection Alliance (OPA), a coalition of more than 40 organizations, with the support of the National Parks Conservation Association.

Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge Map

Okefenokee is the largest refuge in the eastern half of the United States and includes a 440,000-acre ecosystem and two rivers; it is also the largest blackwater wetland in North America. The refuge is a National Natural Landmark and a Wetland of International Importance (RAMSAR), but it’s facing a threat from from Twin Pines’ proposed titanium mining operation on its Trail Ridge.

Watch the documentary here.