Publications & reports

RBC Digital Bookshelf

Welcome to the River Basin Center’s digital bookshelf for the latest publications and reports generated by our members. 

Affiliate Publications


Abney, R. B., Barnes, M., Moss, A., & Santos, F. (2024). Constraints and Drivers of Dissolved Fluxes of Pyrogenic Carbon in Soil and Freshwater Systems: a Global Review and Meta-analysis. Authorea Preprints.

Epele, L. B., Williams‐Subiza, E. A., Bird, M. S., Boissezon, A., Boix, D., Demierre, E., … & Batzer, D. P. (2024). A global assessment of environmental and climate influences on wetland macroinvertebrate community structure and function. Global change biology, 30(2), e17173.

Batzer, D. P., Epele, L. B., & Reindl, S. (2024). Assessing the relative impacts of habitat size, hydrology, and fish occurrence on aquatic invertebrate assemblages in a set of depressional wetlands of Georgia, USA. Hydrobiologia, 1-9.

Miller, I., Collins, M., Covi, M., Gassett, P., Abeels, H., Alvarez, K., … & Swallow, D. (2024). SEA GRANT PROGRAMS BUILD RESILIENCE TO COASTAL CLIMATE HAZARDS. Oceanography, 37(1), 108-115.

Allen, M., Behl, M., Briggs, R., Fussell, K., Jessen, B., Kolesar, S., … & Otts, S. (2024). SCIENCE SERVING AMERICA’S COASTLINES AND PEOPLE. Oceanography, 37(1).

Behl, M., Aleman-Diaz, A., Kolesar, S. E., Lewis, J. C., Cooper, S. K., White, L. D., … & Garza, C. (2024, February). Building a Collective Vision for Ocean and Coastal Sciences. In 2024 Ocean Sciences Meeting. AGU.

Bell, E., & Puga, B. (2024). Sustainable Water Governance in the Brazilian Pantanal Biome: Challenges and Lessons. Blue Papers, 3(1).

Müller, M., D’Andrilli, J., Silverman, V., Bier, R. L., Barnard, M. A., Lee, M. C. M., … & Lu, Y. (2024). Machine-learning based approach to examine ecological processes influencing the diversity of riverine dissolved organic matter composition. Frontiers in Water, 6, 1379284.

Lammers, R. W., Chambers, M., & Bledsoe, B. P. (2024). Modeling the effects of levee setbacks on flood hydraulics. Journal of Flood Risk Management, 17(1), e12963.

Chambers, M., Lammers, R., Gupta, A., Bilskie, M. V., & Bledsoe, B. (2024). Modeling the flood protection services of levee setbacks, a nature-based solution. Journal of Hydrology, 634, 131106.

Meira, A., Byers, J. E., & Sousa, R. (2024). A global synthesis of predation on bivalves. Biological Reviews.

Irwin, B. J., Tomamichel, M. M., Frischer, M. E., Hall, R. J., Davis, A. D., Bliss, T. H., … & Byers, J. E. (2024). Managing the threat of infectious disease in fisheries and aquaculture using structured decision making. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 22(2), e2695.

Beauvais, J., Markley, S. N., & Byers, J. E. (2024). Exponential growth of private coastal infrastructure influenced by geography and race in South Carolina, USA. Scientific Reports, 14(1), 9114.

Coleman, D. J., Gittman, R. K., Landry, C. E., Byers, J. E., Alexander, C. R., Coughlin, G. P., & Woodson, C. B. (2024). Quantifying the impacts of future shoreline modification on biodiversity in a case study of coastal Georgia, United States. Conservation Biology, e14301.

Smith, R. S., Pennings, S. C., Alber, M., Craft, C., & Byers, J. E. (2024). The resistance of Georgia coastal marshes to hurricanes. Ecosphere, 15(4), e4821.

Stanley, R. E., Bilskie, M. V., Woodson, C. B., & Byers, J. E. (2024). A model for understanding the effects of flow conditions on oyster reef development and impacts to wave attenuation. Ecological Modelling, 489, 110627.

Dolatowski, E. J., Suedel, B. C., Calabria, J., Bilskie, M. V., Byers, J. E., Broich, K., … & Woodson, C. B. (2024). Embracing biodiversity on engineered coastal infrastructure through structured decision-making and Engineering With Nature®.

Lu, J., Calabria, J., & Hawkins, G. L. (2024). Exploring potential mechanisms linking urban landscapes to instream stressors and macroinvertebrates in the Southeast Piedmont: Implications for watershed management. Ecological Indicators, 163, 112114.

Dolatowski, E. J., Suedel, B. C., Calabria, J., Bilskie, M. V., Byers, J. E., Broich, K., … & Woodson, C. B. (2024). Embracing biodiversity on engineered coastal infrastructure through structured decision-making and Engineering With Nature®.

Corrêa, E. C., Utz, R. M., Ribas, A. C. D. A., Vianna, D. Q. M., Dalponti, G., Covich, A. P., & Roque, F. D. O. (2024). No effects of macroconsumer exclusion on macroinvertebrate functional composition in Brazilian karst streams along a gradient of riparian forest loss. Biotropica, e13309.

Covich, A. P., Nogueira, D. G., de Oliveira Roque, F., Valente-Neto, F., Sabino, J., Severo-Neto, F., … & Souza, F. L. (2024). Linking Neotropical riparian and stream food webs: nocturnal foraging behavior and facilitation among decapods in response to added palm fruit. Hydrobiologia, 1-19.

Tiegs, S. D., Capps, K. A., Costello, D. M., Schmidt, J. P., Patrick, C. J., Follstad Shah, J. J., … & Zhang, Y. (2024). Human activities shape global patterns of decomposition rates in rivers. Science, eadn1262.

Gujarathi-Talati, S., Ferreira, S., Wenger, S., & Filipski, M. (2024). Fisherfolk contingent valuation of marine restoration in Gujarat, India. Ocean & Coastal Management, 248, 106951.

Nagy, A. J., Freeman, M. C., Irwin, B. J., & Wenger, S. J. (2024). Life‐history connections to long‐term fish population trends in a species‐rich temperate river. Ecology of Freshwater Fish, e12767.

Yeager, J. W., Bonvechio, T. F., & Hamel, M. J. (2024). Movement dynamics and habitat selection of Suwannee Bass Micropterus notius. Hydrobiologia, 851(5), 1153-1167.

Hamel, M., & Gerrin, W. L. (2024). A regional analysis of trace element water chemistry with applications for reconstructing environmental life history of fishes. Authorea Preprints.

Lu, J., Calabria, J., & Hawkins, G. L. (2024). Exploring potential mechanisms linking urban landscapes to instream stressors and macroinvertebrates in the Southeast Piedmont: Implications for watershed management. Ecological Indicators, 163, 112114.

Skorupa, A. J., Roy, A. H., Hazelton, P. D., Perkins, D., Warren, T., & Cheng, B. S. (2024). Food, water quality, and the growth of a freshwater mussel: Implications for population restoration. Freshwater Science, 43(2), 107-123.

Skorupa, A. J., Roy, A. H., Hazelton, P. D., Perkins, D., Warren, T., & Fisk, A. (2024). Abundance of five sympatric stream dwelling mussels varies with physical habitat. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems.

Irwin, B. J., Tomamichel, M. M., Frischer, M. E., Hall, R. J., Davis, A. D., Bliss, T. H., … & Byers, J. E. (2024). Managing the threat of infectious disease in fisheries and aquaculture using structured decision making. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 22(2), e2695.

Nagy, A. J., Freeman, M. C., Irwin, B. J., & Wenger, S. J. (2024). Life‐history connections to long‐term fish population trends in a species‐rich temperate river. Ecology of Freshwater Fish, e12767.

Younger, S. E., Blake, J., Jackson, C. R., & Aubrey, D. P. (2024). δ2H isotopic offsets in xylem water measurements under cryogenic vacuum distillation: Quantifying and correcting wood‐water hydrogen exchange influences. Ecohydrology, 17(3), e2640.

Klaus, J., Schultze, P., & Jackson, R. (2024). Spatio-temporal variability of hydrological connectivity through interflow (No. EGU24-4376). Copernicus Meetings.

Stonecypher, E. T., Lee, L. S., Weir, S. M., King, E. G., Davis, C. E., & Lance, S. L. (2024). Efficacy and Costs of Restoring Wetland Breeding Habitat for Imperiled Amphibians in the Southeastern US. Wetlands, 44(5), 65.

Stonecypher, E. T., Lee, L. S., Weir, S. M., King, E. G., Davis, C. E., & Lance, S. L. (2024). Efficacy and Costs of Restoring Wetland Breeding Habitat for Imperiled Amphibians in the Southeastern US. Wetlands, 44(5), 65.

Greenslit, N., Sasidharan, S. M., Wetz, M., & Lipp, E. K. (2024, February). The Influence of Saharan Dust Deposition on Microbial Communities in Coastal Waters. In 2024 Ocean Sciences Meeting. AGU.

Lydon, K. A., Grim, C., Robertson, M. J., & Lipp, E. K. (2024). Draft genome sequence of multidrug-resistant Vibrio navarrensis strain DA9 isolated from a coastal canal in the Florida Keys (USA). Microbiology Resource Announcements, 13(1), e00789-23.

Dolatowski, E. J., Suedel, B. C., Calabria, J., Bilskie, M. V., Byers, J. E., Broich, K., … & Woodson, C. B. (2024). Embracing biodiversity on engineered coastal infrastructure through structured decision-making and Engineering With Nature®.

Sakizadeh, M., Zhang, C., & Milewski, A. (2024). Spatial distribution pattern and health risk of groundwater contamination by cadmium, manganese, lead and nitrate in groundwater of an arid area. Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 46(3), 80.

Orford, A. D. (2024). Blue carbon, red states, and Paris Agreement Article 6. Frontiers in Climate, 6, 1355224.

Gutiérrez‐Fonseca, P. E., Pringle, C. M., Ramírez, A., Gómez, J. E., & García, P. (2024). Hurricane disturbance drives trophic changes in neotropical mountain stream food webs. Ecology, 105(1), e4202.

Kelly, M., Freeman, M., Gutiérrez-Fonseca, P. E., Gómez, J. E., Pérez, R., Victoria-Lacy, L., … & Pringle, C. (2024). Decomposition rates appear stable despite elevated shrimp abundances following hurricanes in montane streams, Puerto Rico. Hydrobiologia, 1-17.

Naslund, L. C., Mehring, A. S., Rosemond, A. D., & Wenger, S. J. (2024). Toward more accurate estimates of carbon emissions from small reservoirs. Limnology and Oceanography.

Santiago‐Collazo, F. L., Bilskie, M. V., Bacopoulos, P., & Hagen, S. C. (2024). Compound inundation modeling of a 1‐D idealized coastal watershed using a reduced‐physics approach. Water Resources Research, 60(5), e2023WR035718.

Baci, N. O., Santiago-Collazo, F., & Jambeck, J. R. (2024). Integrating Numerical Modeling and Fieldwork for Understanding Land-to-Ocean Litter Transport: A Comprehensive Review. EGU24, (EGU24-6714).

Tiegs, S. D., Capps, K. A., Costello, D. M., Schmidt, J. P., Patrick, C. J., Follstad Shah, J. J., … & Zhang, Y. (2024). Human activities shape global patterns of decomposition rates in rivers. Science, eadn1262.

Smith, K. A., Schneider, K. E., Kinoshita, A., Kurzweil, J., Prucha, B., & Hogue, T. S. (2024). Water yield response to forest treatment patterns in a sierra nevada watershed. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, 53, 101762.

Micheli, F., Saenz-Arroyo, A., Aalto, E., Beas-Luna, R., Boch, C. A., Cardenas, J. C., … & Woodson, C. B. (2024). Social-ecological vulnerability to environmental extremes and adaptation pathways in small-scale fisheries of the southern California Current. Frontiers in Marine Science, 11, 1322108.

Stanley, R. E., Bilskie, M. V., Woodson, C. B., & Byers, J. E. (2024). A model for understanding the effects of flow conditions on oyster reef development and impacts to wave attenuation. Ecological Modelling, 489, 110627.

Coleman, D. J., Gittman, R. K., Landry, C. E., Byers, J. E., Alexander, C. R., Coughlin, G. P., & Woodson, C. B. (2024). Quantifying the impacts of future shoreline modification on biodiversity in a case study of coastal Georgia, United States. Conservation Biology, e14301.

Monismith, S. G., Maticka, S. A., Rogers, J. S., Hefner, B., & Woodson, C. B. (2024). Vertical structure of flows on a shallow reef flat: A coral reef surf zone. Coastal Engineering, 190, 104499.

Olguin-Jacobson, C., Arafeh-Dalmau, N., Early-Capistran, M. M., Espinoza-Montes, J. A., Hernandez-Velasco, A., Martinez, R., … & Micheli, F. (2024). Recovery mode: Marine protected areas enhance the resilience of kelp species from marine heatwaves. bioRxiv, 2024-05.

Dolatowski, E. J., Suedel, B. C., Calabria, J., Bilskie, M. V., Byers, J. E., Broich, K., … & Woodson, C. B. (2024). Embracing biodiversity on engineered coastal infrastructure through structured decision-making and Engineering With Nature®.

Lindelien, C. M., Xu, X., & Peck, E. (2024). Metal removal by two constructed wetlands in the southeastern US: Implications on metal remediation. Ecological Engineering, 201, 107210.



Abbasnezhad, B., Abrams, J. B., & Hepinstall-Cymerman, J. (2023). Incorporating Social and Policy Drivers into Land-Use and Land-Cover Projection. Sustainability, 15(19), 14270.

Bacchus, S. T., Bernardes, S., & Madden, M. (2023). Implications of Declining Ground Water and Water Quality in the US Southeastern Coastal Plain Ecoregion and Areawide Environmental Impact Statement Required for Mining in the Greater Okefenokee Swamp Basin—Part 1. Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection11(3), 201-276.

Bier, R. L., Mosher, J. J., Kaplan, L. A., & Kan, J. (2023). Spatial scale impacts microbial community composition and distribution within and across stream ecosystems in North and Central America. Environmental Microbiology.

Bogati, S., Leclerc, M. Y., Gengsheng Zhang, Brar, S. K., Tubbs, R. S., Monfort, W. S., & Hawkins, G. L. (2023). The impact of tillage practices on daytime CO2 fluxes, evapotranspiration (ET), and water-use efficiency in peanut. Frontiers in Agronomy 5.

Clay, N. A., Herrmann, M. C., Evans-White, M. A., Entrekin, S. A. & West, C. (2023). “Sodium as a subsidy in the spring: evidence for a phenology of sodium limitation.Oecologia, 201, 783-795.

Devitt, T. J., Enge, K. M., Farmer, A. L., Beerli, P., Richter, S. C., Hall, J. G., & Lance, S. L. (2023). “Population Subdivision in the Gopher Frog (Rana capito) across the Fragmented Longleaf Pine-Wiregrass Savanna of the Southeastern USA.” Diversity, 15(1), 93.

Esser, E. A., Pringle, J. M., & Byers, J. E. (2023). Neither larval duration nor dispersal distance predict spatial genetic diversity in planktonic dispersing species. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 721, 161-167.

Evans, M. V., Bhatnagar, S.,  Drake, J. M., Murdock, C. C., Rice, J. L., Mukherjee, S. (2023). “The mismatch of narratives and local ecologies in the everyday governance of water access and mosquito control in an urbanizing community.Health & Place, 80,102989.

Freeman, M. C., Elkins, D., & Albanese, B. (2023). Biodiversity connections—‘ties that bind’: A special contribution of the Southeastern Fishes Council. Ecology of Freshwater Fish.

Gattie, D. & Hewitt, M. (2023). National Security as a Value-Added Proposition for Advanced Nuclear Reactors: A U.S. Focus. Energies 16(17), 6162.

Hansen, R. F., Dalton, E. Z., Abney, R. B., Engelhard, M. H., Castillo Valdes, G., Burton, S. D., … & Raff, J. D. (2023). Reaction of Organic Matter with Nitronium Ion as a Source of Organic Nitrate Esters in Proxies for Organic Aerosols. ACS Earth and Space Chemistry, 7(9), 1727-1738.

Hernández–Abrams, D. D., Connelly, S., Freeman, M. C., Gutiérrez-Fonseca, P. E. & Wenger, S.J. (2023). “Seasonal variability in macroinvertebrate assemblages in paired perennial and intermittent streams in Costa Rica.” Hydrobiologia, 850, 215-230.

Jackson, D., Lessl, J., & Levi, M. R. (2023). Sulfur Leaching Rate Differs Based on Soil Characteristics in the Vidalia Region of Georgia, USA: Implications for Sweet Onion Production. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 54(20), 2813-2826.

Kojima, L.V., Tuberville, T. D., & Parrott, B. B. (2023). “Integrating Mercury Concentrations in American Alligators (Alligator mississippiensis) with Hunter Consumption Surveys to Estimate Exposure Risk.Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 42(2), 525-534.

Meyer-Gutbrod, E.L., Pierson, J. J., & Behl, M. (2023). Community Perspectives on Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in Ocean Sciences. Oceanography 36:67-73.

Moraes, F. D. S., Mote, T. L. & Rasmussen, T. C. (2023). “The role of physical geography on Puerto Rico’s water budget.Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, 47, 101382.

Mook, A. & Dwivedi, P. (2023). “Shifting forest landownership interests over the life-course of female forest landowners in rural Georgia, United States.Journal of Rural Studies, 100, 103008.

Mullen, J. D. & Yizhou Niu. (2023) Cost-Effectiveness of Sustainable Agricultural Water Policies: Source Switching versus Irrigation Buyout Auctions in Georgia’s Lower Flint River Basin. Water 15(19), 3381

Murray-Stoker, K. M., McHugh, J. V., Benke, A. C., Parsons, K. A., Murray-Stoker, D., Rosemond, A. D., Wenger, S. J. & Batzer, D. P. (2023). “Long-term comparison of invertebrate communities in a blackwater river reveals taxon-specific biomass change.” Freshwater Biology, 68(4), 632-644.

Qi, Z., Shi, Z., Rasmussen, T. C. (2023). “Time- and frequency-domain determination of aquifer hydraulic properties using water-level responses to natural perturbations: A case study of the Rongchang Well, Chongqing, southwestern China.Journal of Hydrology, 617(A), 128820.

Shadle, E. J., Hopkins, W. A., Belden, L. K., Hallmark, M. A., & Mims, M. C. (2023). Experimental warming and drying act independently on developmental responses for two amphibian species. Freshwater Biology68(10), 1647-1659.

Stowe, E. S., Petersen, K. N., Rao, S., Walther, E. J., Freeman, M. C. & Wenger, S. J. (2023). “Stream restoration produces transitory, not permanent, changes to fish assemblages at compensatory mitigation sites.Restoration Ecology, e13903

Strauss, A. T., Suh, D. C., Galbraith, K., Coker, S. M., Schroeder, K., Brandon, C., … & Cleveland, C. A. (2023). Mysterious microsporidians: springtime outbreaks of disease in Daphnia communities in shallow pond ecosystems. Oecologia, 1-12.

Tomcyzk, N. J., Rosemond, A. D., Kaz, A., & Benstead, J. P. (2023). “Contrasting activation energies of litter-associated respiration and P uptake drive lower cumulative P uptake at higher temperatures.” Biogeosciences, 20(1), 191-204.

Turner, T. F., Bart Jr, H. L., McCormick, F., Besser, A. C., Bowes, R. E., Capps, K. A., … & Welicky, R. L. (2023). Long-term ecological research in freshwaters enabled by regional biodiversity collections, stable isotope analysis, and environmental informatics. BioScience73(7), 479-493.

Walker, R. H., & Entrekin, S. A. (2023). All in moderation: crayfish populations are affected by precipitation-driven habitat availability and water quality in a non-perennial stream. Aquatic Sciences, 85(4), 94.

Werner, J. P., Dean, Q. J., Pegg, M. A. (2023). “Patterns in spatial use and movement of Silver Carp among tributaries and main-stem rivers: insight from otolith microchemistry analysis.Biological Invasions, 25, 471–484.

Younger, S. E., Jackson, C. R., Dix, M. J., Caldwell, P. V., & Aubrey, D. P. (2023) Evapotranspiration Partitioning of Eucalyptus benthamii and Pinus taeda During Early Stand Development.BioEnergy Research.


Atkins, R. L., Clancy, K. M., Ellis, W. T., & Osenberg, C. W. 2022. “Thermal Traits Vary with Mass and across Populations of the Marsh Periwinkle, Littoraria irrorata.”The Biological Bulletin242(3), 000-000.

Baynes A. Y., Freeman, M. C., McKay, S. K., Wenger, S. J. (2022). “Habitat associations of riverine fishes among rocky shoals.” Ecology of Freshwater Fish, 00, 1-12.

Benez-Secanho, Fabio Jose, Puneet Dwivedi, Susanna Ferreira, Jeffrey Hepinstall-Cymerman, Seth Wenger. 2022. “Trade-offs Between the Value of Ecosystem Services and Connectivity Among Protected Areas in the Upper Chattahoochee Watershed.” Environmental Management 69: 937-951.

Bivins, A., Lott, M., Shaffer, M., Wu, Z., North, D., Lipp, E. K., Bibby, K. (2022). “Building-level wastewater surveillance using tampon swabs and RT-LAMP for rapid SARS-CoV-2 RNA detection.” Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology, 8, 173-183.

Buhr, D. X., Lammers, R. W., & Bledsoe, B. P. (2022). “Global sensitivity analyses of key riparian nitrogen models.” Environmental Modeling & Software, 158, 105542. 

Burrow, A. K., & Lance, S. (2022). Restoration of Geographically Isolated Wetlands: An Amphibian-Centric Review of Methods and Effectiveness. Diversity, 14(10), 879.

Calabria, J., Bruton, J., Pike, J., Brown, B., Post, C., Sharp, J., … & Spooner, J. (2022). “Effect of curve numbers on family benthic index in headwater streams in western North Carolina, USA. Environmental Challenges,” 7, 100521.

Campbell, J. L., Driscoll, C. T., Jones, J. A., Boose, E. R., Dugan, H. A., Groffman, P. M., Jackson, C. R.,… & Zimmerman, J. K. (2022). Forest and freshwater ecosystem responses to climate change and variability at US LTER sites. BioScience, 72(9), 851-870.

Costello, David M., Scott D. Tiegs, Luz Boyero, Cristina Canhoto, Krista A. Capps, Michael Danger, Paul Frost, et. al. 2022. “Global Patterns and Controls of Nutrient Immobilization on Decomposing Cellulose in Riverine Ecosystems.” Global Biogeochemical Cycles 36: e2021GB007163.

Crawford, Brian A., John C. Maerz, Vanessa C. K. Terrell, Clinton T. Moore. 2022. “Population viability analysis for a pond-breeding amphibian under future drought scenarios in the southeastern United States.” Global Ecology and Conservation 36: e02119.

Damashek, J., Jason R. Westricha, Jacob M. Bateman McDonald, Morgan E. Teachey, Charlene R. Jackson,  Jonathan G. Frye, Erin K. Lipp, Krista A. Capps, Elizabeth A. Ottesen. 2022. “Non-point source fecal contamination from aging wastewater infrastructure is a primary driver of antibiotic resistance in surface waters.” Water Research, 118853.

Epele, L. B., Grech, M. G., Williams-Subiza, E. A., Stenert, C., McLean, K., Greig, H. S., … & Batzer, D. P. 2022. “Perils of life on the edge: Climatic threats to global diversity patterns of wetland macroinvertebrates.” Science of the Total Environment820, 153052.

Hewageegana, V. H., Bilskie, M. V., Woodson, C. B., & Bledsoe, B. P. (2022). “The effects of coastal marsh geometry and surge scales on water level attenuation.” Ecological Engineering, 185, 106813.

Howard, Leif, Charles B. van Rees, Zoe Dahlquist, Gordon Luikhart, Brian K. Hand. 2022. “A review of invasive species reporting apps for citizen science and opportunities for innovation.” Neobiota 71: 165-188.

Huang, Y. K., Bawa, R., Mullen, J., Hoghooghi, N., Kalin, L., & Dwivedi, P. (2022). Designing Watersheds for Integrated Development (DWID): A stochastic dynamic optimization approach for understanding expected land use changes to meet potential water quality regulations. Agricultural Water Management271, 107799.

Lammers, R. W., Miller, L., Bledsoe, B. P. (2022) “Effects of Design and Climate on Bioretention Effectiveness for Watershed-Scale Hydrologic Benefits.Journal of Sustainable Water in the Built Environment, 8(4), 04022011.

Landry, C., Pippin, J. S., & Zarei, M. (2022). “Benefit-Cost Analysis of Green Infrastructure Investments: Application to Small Urban Projects in Hinesville, GA.” Journal of Ocean and Coastal Economics, 9(1).

Li, G., Dunlap, J., Wang, Y., Huang, Q., & Li, K. (2022). “Environmental Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of Treating PFASs with Ion Exchange and Electrochemical Oxidation Technology.ACS ES&T Water, 2, 1555-1564.

Lewis, J. C., Aleman-Diaz, A., Behl, M., Kolesar, S., White, L., Jones, B., … & Cooper, S. K. (2022). “Rethinking Committee Work in the Research Enterprise: The Case of Regenerative Gatekeeping.” Earth and Space Science Open Archive.

Marzolf, N. S., Baca, D. M., Bruce, T. K., Vega‐Gómez, M., Watson, C. D., Ganong, C. N., Ramirez, Alonso, Pringle, C.M & Ardón, M. (2022). Do experimental pH increases alter the structure and function of a lowland tropical stream?. Ecosphere, 13(7), e4097.

Orford, A. D. (2022). Natural Gas and Net Zero: Mutually Exclusive Pathways for the Southeast. Ga. St. UL Rev.39, 1033. 

Ryan, J. E., Roy, A. H., Hazelton, P. D., Perkins, D. L., Warren, T., Walsh, C., & Wick, R. (2022). Assessing methods for mitigating fungal contamination in freshwater mussel in vitro propagation. Hydrobiologia849(11), 2487-2501.

Ruzol, R., Staudhammer, C. L., Younger, S., Aubrey, D. P., Loescher, H. W., Jackson, C. R., & Starr, G. (2022). Water use in a young Pinus taeda bioenergy plantation: Effect of intensive management on stand evapotranspiration. Ecosphere, 13(6), e4100.

Santiago-Collazo, F., Chambers, M., Buhr, D., Selsor, H., & Bledsoe, B. 2022. “Assessment of Hybrid Infrastructure Systems under Multi-Flood Hazards in Coastal Georgia.” Earth and Space Science Open Archive.

Schiebelhut, L. M., Giakoumis, M., Castilho, R., Duffin, P. J., Puritz, J. B., Wares, J. P., Wessel, G. M., Dawson, M. N. (2022). “Minor Genetic Consequences of a Major Mass Mortality: Short-Term Effects in Pisaster ochraceus.The Biological Bulletin, 243(3), 328-338.

Seigerman, C. K., McKay, S. K., Basilio, R., Biesel, S. A., Hallemeier, J., Mansur, A. V., Piercy, C., Rowan, S., Ubiali, B., Yeates, E., & Nelson, D. R. (2022). “Operationalizing equity for integrated water resources management.” Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 00(0), 1–18.

Simons-Legaard, E., Harrison, D., Hepinstall-Cymerman, J., & Payer, D. (2022). Sex-biased habitat selection by American marten in the Acadian Forest. Landscape Ecology, 1-15.

Solomon, Kelsey J., Rebecca J. Bixby, Seth J. Wenger, Catherine M. Pringle. 2022. “Have stream diatom assemblages changed a decade after the loss of a foundation riparian tree species in a headwater Appalachian watershed?” Freshwater Science 41(2): 1-20.

Tomczyk, N. J., Rosemond, A. D., Bumpers, P. M., Cummins, C. S., Yang, C., & Wenger, S. J. (2022). “Differences in respiration rates and abrasion losses may muddle attribution of breakdown to macroinvertebrates versus microbes in litterbag experiments.” River Research and Applications

Van Rees, Charles B., Laura Naslund, Darixa D. Hernandez-Abrams, S. Kyle McKay, C. Brock Woodson, Amy Rosemond, Brian McFall, Safra Altman, Seth J. Wenger. 2022. “A strategic monitoring approach for learning to improve natural infrastructure.” Science of the Total Environment 832(2022): 155078.

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Grossman, G.D. & T. Simon. 2019. “Density-dependent effects on salmonid populations: a review.” Ecology of Freshwater Fish 29 (3): 400-418.

Grossman, G.D. & T. Simon. 2019. “Student Perceptions of Open Educational Resources Video-Based Active Learning in University-Level Biology Classes: A Multi-Class Evaluation.” Journal of College Science Teaching 49 (6): 36-44.

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Kerr, Skyler, Elmer Gray, and Darold Batzer. 2019. “Evaluation of Larval Medium in the Controlled Current Toxicity Test.” Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association 35(4): 295-298.

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Lu, K., Wu, H., Xue, Z., Lu, X., & Batzer, D. P. 2019. “Development of a multi-metric index based on aquatic invertebrates to assess floodplain wetland condition.Hydrobiologia, 827 (1): 141-153.

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Maerz, John C., Susan B. Wilde, Vanessa K. Terrell, Brigette Haram, R. Clay Trimmer, Chelsea Nunez, Erin Cork, et al. 2019. “Seasonal and plant specific vulnerability of amphibian tadpoles to the invasion of a novel cyanobacteria.” Biological Invasions 21 (3): 821-831.

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McDaniel, C. H., & Batzer, D. P. 2019. “Effects of River Flow Regulation beyond the Channel: Multifaceted Changes within a Group of Invertebrate Floodplain Specialists.” Wetlands, 39 (1): 87-98.  

McDaniel, Courtney, Joseph McHugh, and Darold Batzer. 2019. “Colonization of drying temporary wetlands by Coptotomus loticus (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae): a unique strategy for an aquatic wetland insect.Wetlands Ecology and Management 27 (5): 627-634.

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Wu, H., Guan, Q., Ma, H., Xue, Z., Yang, M., & Batzer, D. P. 2019. “Effects of saline conditions and hydrologic permanence on snail assemblages in wetlands of Northeastern China.” Ecological Indicators 96: 620-627.

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Batzer, Darold and Dani Boix, Eds. 2018. Invertebrates in Freshwater Wetlands: An International Perspective on Their Ecology. New York: Springer.

Batzer, D. P., & Murray, K. M. 2018. “How important are aquatic predators to mosquito larval populations in natural wetlands? A case study from Carolina bays in Georgia.” Wetlands Ecology and Management 26 (3): 391-397.

Batzer, D. P., Noe, G. B., Lee, L., & Galatowitsch, M. 2018. “A Floodplain Continuum for Atlantic Coast Rivers of the Southeastern US: Predictable Changes in Floodplain Biota along a River’s Length.” Wetlands 38 (1): 1-13.

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Goto, Daisuke, Martin J Hamel, Mark A. Pegg, Jeremy J. Hammen, Matthew L. Rugg, Valery E. Forbes. 2018 “Spatially dynamic maternal control of migratory fish recruitment pulses triggered by shifting seasonal cues.” Marine and Freshwater Research 69 (6): 942 – 961. 

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Grossman, G.D. & K. Chernoff. 2018. “The need and use of open educational resources in fisheries, environmental education, and conservation.” Fisheries 43: 79-82.

Grossman, G.D. & T. Simon. 2018. “Student perceptions of an inquiry-based karaoke exercise for ecologically oriented classes: a multiclass evaluation.” Journal of College Science Teaching 47: 92-99.

Guan, Q., Liu, J., Batzer, D. P., Lu, X., & Wu, H. 2018. “Snails (Mollusca: Gastropoda) as potential surrogates of overall aquatic invertebrate assemblage in wetlands of Northeastern China.” Ecological Indicators 90: 193-200.

Hall, Ed K., Emily S. Bernhardt, Raven L. Bier, Mark A. Bradford, Claudia M. Boot, James B. Cotner, Paul A. del Giorgio, et al. 2018. “Understanding How Microbiomes Influence the Systems They Inhabit.” Nature Microbiology 3 (9): 977–82.

Hamman, EA, SA McKinley, AC Stier, CW Osenberg.  2018. “Landscape configuration drives persistent spatial patterns of occupant distributions.” Theoretical Ecology 11: 111-127. 

Hammen, Jeremy J., Martin J. Hamel, Matthew L. Rugg, Edward J. Peters, Mark A. Pegg. 2018. “Population Characteristics of Shovelnose Sturgeon During Low- and High-Water Conditions in the Lower Platte River, Nebraska.”  North American Journal of Fisheries Management 38 (2): 308 – 315. 

Hammen, Jeremy J., Martin J. Hamel, Matthew L. Rugg, Mark A. Pegg. 2018. “Habitat associations of shovelnose sturgeon Scaphirhynchus platorynchus (Rafinesque, 1820) in the lower Platte River, Nebraska. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 34 (1): 12 – 20. 

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Hoghooghi, Nahal, Heather E. Golden, Brian P. Bledsoe, Bradley L. Barnhart, Allen F. Brookes, Kevin S. Djang, Jonathan J. Halama, et al. 2018. “Cumulative Effects of Low Impact Development on Watershed Hydrology in a Mixed Land-Cover System.” Water 10 (8): 991. 

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Kellock, Kristen A., Adrian P. Moore, and Robert B. Bringolf. 2018. “Chronic Nitrate Exposure Alters Reproductive Physiology in Fathead Minnows.” Environmental Pollution 232: 322–28.

Kominoski, John S., Amy D. Rosemond, Jonathan P. Benstead, Vlad Gulis, David W.P. Manning. 2018. “Experimental nitrogen and phosphorus additions increase rates of stream ecosystem respiration and carbon loss.Limnology and Oceanography 63(1):22-36.

Lammers, Roderick W., and Brian P. Bledsoe. 2018. “A Network Scale, Intermediate Complexity Model for Simulating Channel Evolution over Years to Decades.” Journal of Hydrology 566 (November): 886–900.

Lammers, Roderick W., and Brian P. Bledsoe. 2018. “Parsimonious sediment transport equations based on Bagnold’s stream power approach.” Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 43 (1): 242– 258. 

Levick, Lainie, Samantha Hammer, Russell Lyon, Joel Murray, Amy Birtwistle, Phillip Guertin, David Goodrich, Brian Bledsoe, and Melinda Laituri. 2018. “An Ecohydrological Stream Type Classification of Intermittent and Ephemeral Streams in the Southwestern United States.Journal of Arid Environments 155 (August): 16–35.

Maerz, John C, Richard A Seigel, Brian A Crawford. 2018. Conservation in terrestrial habitats: Mitigating habitat loss, road mortality, and subsidized predators. Baltimore:  John Hopkins University Press.

Maltchik, Leonardo, Vanessa Caleffi, Cristina Stenert, Darold Batzer, Maria Piedade, Wolfgang Junk. 2018. “Legislation for wetland conservation in Brazil: Are existing terms and definitions sufficient?Environmental Conservation 45 (3): 301-305.

Marzolf, N., S. Golladay, P. McCormick, A. Covich, and and S. Wild, 2018. “Inter-and intra-annual apple snail egg mass dynamics in a large southeastern US reservoir.” Hydrobiologia 811: 155-171.

Mazor, Raphael D., Jason T. May, Ashmita Sengupta, Kenneth S. McCune, Brian P. Bledsoe, Eric D. Stein. 2018. “Tools for managing hydrologic alteration on a regional scale: Setting targets to protect stream health.” Freshwater Biology 63 (8): 786-803.

Mazurczyk, Tara J, Timothy M Murtha, Lacey K Goldberg, Brian Orland. 2018. “Integrating visual and cultural resource evaluation and impact assessment for landscape conservation design and planning.Northern Research Station 183:149-160.

McDaniel, Courtney, Joseph McHugh, and Darold Batzer. 2018. “Congeneric predaceous diving beetle species fail to segregate in a floodplain system: a case of amplified sympatry.Environmental Entomology 46 (3):494-501.

McDonald, Jacob M, David S Leigh, C RhettJackson. 2018. “Watershed- to continental-scale influences on winter stormflow in the Southern Blue Ridge Mountains.” Journal of Hydrology 563(2018):643-656. 

Moore, Adrian P., and Robert B. Bringolf. 2018. “Effects of Nitrate on Freshwater Mussel Glochidia Attachment and Metamorphosis Success to the Juvenile Stage.” Environmental Pollution 242: 807–13.

Moorea, Julian, Harshitha Tadinadab, Kevin Kirschec, Jason Perryc , Fred Remend, Zion Tsz Ho Tse. 2018. “Facility inspection using UAVs: a case study in the University of Georgia campus.” International Journal of Remote Sensing 39(21):7189-7200. 

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