The Archives: Old River Basin Center publications

Peer-Reviewed Publications (Pre 2015)

Beyond the Urban Gradient: Barriers and Opportunities for Timely Studies of Urbanization Effects on Aquatic Ecosystems, Timothy Carter et al., Oct. 27, 2009, published in Journal of the National Benthological Society, 2009, 28(4):1080–1098.

Big Biology Meets Microclimatology: Defining Thermal Niches of Ectotherms at Landscape Scales for Conservation Planning, Isaak, Daniel J, Wenger, Seth J., Young, Micheal K. March 16, 2017, published in Ecological Applications, 27(3): 977-990

Conservation Planning for Imperiled Aquatic Species in an Urbanizing Environment, Seth J. Wenger, Mary C. Freeman, Laurie A. Fowler, Byron J. Freeman, James T. Peterson, 2010. Published in Landscape and Urban Planning 97 (2010) 11–21.

Developing conservation subdivisions: ecological constraints, regulatory barriers, and market incentives, Tim Carter, 2009. Published in Landscape and Urban Planning.

Distribution and Habitat of Endangered American Burying Beetle in Northern and Southern Regions, Douglas R. Leasure and W. Wyatt Hoback, 2017. Published in Journal of Insect Conservation, 21(1) pp. 75-86.

Ecology of the Macrophyte Podostemum Ceratophyllum Michx. (Hornleaf Riverweed), a Widespread Foundation Species of Eastern North American Rivers, James Wood and Mary Freeman, 2017. Published in Aquatic Botany 139, pp. 65-74.

Estimating Species Occurrence, Abundance, and Detection Probability Using Zero-Inflated Distributions, Seth Wenger and Mary Freeman, 2008. Published in Ecology 89(10), 2008, pp. 2953–2959.

Experimental Nutrient enrichment of Forest Streams Increases Energy Flow to Predators Along Greener Food-Web Pathways, Philip M. Bumpers, Amy D. Rosemond, John C. Maerz, Jonathan P. Benstead, August 2017. Published in Freshwater Biology, 62(10) pp. 1794-1805.

Geographically Isolated Wetlands: Rethinking a Misnomer, David M. Mushet, Aram J.K. Calhoun , Laurie C. Alexander , Matthew J. Cohen , Edward S. DeKeyser , Laurie G. Fowler , Charles R. Lane , Megan W. Lang , Mark C. Rains , and Susan Walls, 2015.  Published in Wetlands 35(3) pp. 423-431.

The Influence of Drought on Flow-Ecology Relationships in Ozark Highland Streams. Dustin T. Lynch, Douglas R. Leasure, Daniel D. Magoulick, 2018. Publish in Wiley: Freshwater Biology pp.1-23. For access inquire at

Long-Term Monitoring Data Provide Evidence of Declining Species Richness in a River Valued for Biodiversity Conservation, Mary C. Freeman, Megan M. Hagler, Phillip M. Bumpers, Kit Wheeler, Seth J. Wenger, and Byron J. Freeman (2017) . Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management: December 2017, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 418-434.

Occupancy Modeling and Estimation of the Holiday Darter Species Complex Within the Etowah River System, Gregory B. Anderson, Mary C. Freeman, Megan M. Hagler, Byron J. Freeman, Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, 2012.

Paving the Way to Better Stormwater Management: Water Quality, Porous Pavement, and Public Policy, Erin Dreelin, PhD dissertation, 2004. For access inquire at

Predicting and Preventing Losses of Imperiled Fish Species in an Urbanizing Environment, Seth J. Wenger. Ph.D. dissertation, 2006. For access inquire at

Prioritizing Areas of the Conasauga River Sub-basin in Georgia and Tennessee for Preservation and RestorationSeth J. Wenger, Megan M. Hagler, and Byron J. Freeman, 2009, published in Southeastern Fishes Council Proceedings.

Satellite and Airborne Remote Sensing Applications for Freshwater Fisheries, Daniel C. Dauwalter, Kurt A. Fesenmyer, Robin Bjork, Douglas R. Leasure, Seth J. Wenger, October 2017. Published in Fisheries 42(10) pp. 526-537.

The Significant Surface-Water Connectivity of “Geographically Isolated Wetlands”, Aram J.K. Calhoun, David M. Mushet, Laurie C. Alexander, Edward S. DeKeyser, Laurie Fowler, Charles R. Lane, Megan W. Lang, Mark C. Rains, Stephen C. Richter, Susan C. Walls, February 2017.  Wetlands 37(4) pp. 801-806.

States and Rates: Complementary Approaches to Developing Flow-Ecology Relationships, Kit Wheeler, Seth J. Wenger, Mary C. Freeman, September 2017. Published in Freshwater Biology.

Stream Fish Occurrence in Response to Impervious Cover, Historic Land Use, and Hydrogeomorphic Factors, Seth J. Wenger, James T. Peterson, Mary C. Freeman, Byron J. Freeman, and D. David Homans, 2008. Published in Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 65: 1250–1264 (2008).

Stressors to Imperiled Fishes in the Etowah Basin: Mechanisms, Sources and Management under the Etowah HCP, Seth Wenger and Mary Freeman, 2007.

Twenty-six Key Research Questions in Urban Stream Ecology: An Assessment of the State of the Science, Seth Wenger et al., 2009, published in Journal of the National Benthological Society, 2009, 28(4):1080–1098.

Use of Surrogates to Predict the Stressor Response of Imperiled Species, Seth J. Wenger,  2008. Published in Conservation Biology.

RBC Reports and Projects Archive (Pre 2015)

Accessory Apartments, Lauren Giles, Land Use Clinic, 2007. Use and regulation of accessory dwelling units, also known as accessory apartments, as a way to promote affordable housing and multi-generational housing options in single-family neighborhoods.

ACF Water Management Gap Analysis, Katie Sheehan, Shannon Bonney, Catherine Bartenstein, Brian Easley, The University Collaborative, 2014. For access inquire at

Agricultural Zoning as a Farmland Protection Tool in Georgia, Emily Franzen, 2006. Agricultural zoning is a cost-effective, planning-based approach that local governments can use to preserve farmland and create an economically sustainable agriculture industry for future generations.

An Analysis of Development Impact Fees in Georgia Jim Edge, Michael J. Eshman, Land Use Clinic, 2004-2007. Analyzes and tracks the use of the Georgia Development Impact Fee Law.

An Analysis of Selected Community Green Building Programs in Five Southeastern States, 2012. Conducted by the Southeast Watershed Forum and University of Georgia River Basin Center on behalf of the Southeast Smart Growth Network.

An Aquatic Safe Harbor Program for the Upper Etowah River, Amanda Baxter, Douglas Parsons, Alison Van Lear, 1999. Investigating the value and protocol for developing and implementing a safe harbor agreement under the Endangered Species Act for landowners in the Upper Etowah.

Attorney General’s Water Advisory Council Presentations: Dougherty Plain, 2003.

Attorney General’s Water Advisory Council Presentations: The Essentials for GA Water Planning: The Relationship Between the Proposed GA State Comprehensive Water Plan and the Alabama-Florida-Georgia Water Sharing Dispute (The failure to agree on the two Compacts), Stephen E. Draper, 2003.

Attorney General’s Water Advisory Council Presentations: Interface Between Land Protection & Georgia’s Water Resources, Laurie Fowler, 2003.

Attorney General’s Water Advisory Council Presentations: Water Management Laws in Georgia, Ciannat M. Howett, The Southern Environmental Law Center, 2003.

Bacteria TMDL Implementation Control Strategies of the Southeast: Recommendations for Georgia, Rebecca Haynes.  MS Thesis, 2006.

Cartecay Blue Trail Master Plan, Joseph Greene, Johnson Bazzel, Jonathan Lowe.

Chattahoochee Hill Country Transferable Development Rights Ordinance, Land Use Clinic, 2003. The state’s first TDR ordinance. For access inquire at

City of Jefferson Curry Creek Water Supply Watershed: Estimate of Existing and Projected Impervious Cover and Assessment of Watershed Protection Provisions, Seth Wenger, Jamie Baker Roskie, 2007, revised 2008.

Coastal Riparian Buffer Guidance Manual: A Companion to the Model Coastal Buffer Ordinance, Katherine Rowe, Jennifer Spangler, Emily Franzen, 2007. UGA River Basin Center. Prepared for the Georgia Department of Natural Resources Environmental Protection Division Coastal Nonpoint Source Management Program to provide specific guidance in implementing the model coastal riparian buffer ordinance.

Comparing the Environmental and Public Cost Impacts of Compact and Scattered Development Patterns in the Upper Etowah Region, Jeffrey Boring, 2003. Assesses how the pattern of development will affect stream health, rural character and public costs in the Upper Etowah Region.

Conservation Easements for Natural Resource ProtectionLaurie Fowler, 1994. Overview of conservation easements, their purpose, function, and benefits (both ecological and financial). Includes a sample easement and list of resources.

Conservation Subdivision Ordinances, Seth Wenger and Laurie Fowler, 2001. Conservation Subdivision Toolkit published by Atlanta Regional Commission and Georgia Department of Community Affairs, 2002.

Conservation Subdivisions: Ecological, Landscape and Construction, and Legal Applications to Cherokee County, Georgia,  Amy Bergstedt, Patricia Deyo, Matthew Yungwirth, 1999. Assisting the developer of a proposed Cherokee County conservation subdivision that would preserve 3 1/2  miles of Etowah riverfront and describes the legal process needed to preserve the open space in perpetuity.

The Constitutionality of Open Space Requirements and Minimum Lot Sizes, Matthew Weiss, Land Use Clinic, 2007.

Controlling Big Box Retail Development in Georgia, Matt Roberts, Brian White, Elizabeth Simpson, Lauren Giles, Anna Hauser, Land Use Clinic, 2004-2007. Strategies to help communities avoid big box blight.

Criteria for Suitable Spawning Habitat for the Robust Redhorse Moxostoma robustum, Byron J. Freeman and Mary C. Freeman, 2001. Report to the US Fish & Wildllife Service.

Demonstration Sites of Best Management Practices: A Manual for the Upper Etowah River Alliance, Michael Bien, Jehan El-Jourbagy, Liv LiaBraaten, Shana Udvardy, 2001. Demonstrating the use of BMPs to control stormwater runoff and erosion at two sites in the Etowah watershed.

The Durability of Conservation Easements in GeorgiaMeghan Ryan and Michelle Godfrey, Land Use Clinic, 2008.

Encouraging Conservation Subdivisions in Georgia Through Understanding Market Barriers and Opportunities, Timothy L. Carter, 2008. Funded by a Georgia Coastal Incentive Grant administered by the Georgia Department of Natural Resources, Coastal Resources Division.

Estimating the Economic Benefit of Landscape Pattern: An Hedonic Analysis of Spatial Landscape Indices and a Comparison of Build- Out Scenarios for The Protection of Ecosystem Functions, Nanette Nelson, Liz Kramer, Jeffrey Dorfman, Bill Bumback, 2004. For access inquire at

Etowah River Basin Stressors Analysis, Byron Freeman, Seth Wenger, Sarah McClurg and Carrie Straight, 2002. Prepared for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

Evaluating the Economic Impact of Community Open Space and Urban Forests: A Literature Review, Nanette Nelson, 2004. Funded by Urban and Community Forest Grant Assistance Program administered through the Georgia Forestry Commission.

Feasibility Analysis for Biological Water Reclamation Systems, Ben Liverman, Sumner Gann, Robert Abrunzo. Environmental Law Practicum, 2014. For access inquire at

Feasibility Analysis for Biological Water Reclamation Systems: Saving Water and Money Through Innovative Wastewater Treatment on UGA Campus, Ben Liverman, Sumner Gann, Robert Abrunzo; edited by Laurie Fowler, 2014.

The Feasibility of a Transferable Development Rights Program for Athens-Clarke County, Georgia, Jeffrey H. Dorfman, Jorge H. Atiles, Jamie Baker Roskie, Jeffrey Boring, Nanette Nelson, Beth Gavrilles, 2005. UGA Alliance for Quality Growth report on the environmental and economic impacts of various TDR program scenarios, funded by the Georgia Department of Community Affairs.

Funding Septic System Repairs in Gwinnett County through the Clean Water State Revolving Fund, Amanda Worthington, 2006. MS Thesis undertaken for the Initiative for Watershed Excellence: Upper Altamaha Pilot Project, funded through Georgia EPD’s Nonpoint Source Program and US EPA Region IV. For access inquire at

Georgia’s Community Green Space Program: A Report of the Community Green Space Advisory Committee, Community Greenspace Advisory Committee, 1999. Recommendations for establishing the Georgia Community Greenspace Program.

Georgia’s Trout Stream Buffer Program Assessment Under the Georgia Erosion and Sedimentation Act and Georgia Water Quality Control Act, Terry A. DeMeo, Don R. Christy and James E. Kundell, 2005. This report explores policy implications of the 2000 Amendments.

Green Roof Proposal and Guide, Tammy Andros and Ted Maclin, 2007. A proposal and guidelines for installing a green roof on the east balcony of the Athens-Clarke County City Hall.

Guidebook for Developing Local Riparian Buffer Ordinances, Seth Wenger and Laurie Fowler, 2000.

Habitat Conservation Plan for the Upper Etowah River Watershed: Road Crossings – Effects and Recommendations, Audrey Baggett, Erica Chiao, Tracey Harton, 2001. Recommendations for bridge and culvert design to protect aquatic habitat in the Upper Etowah watershed; part of a watershed-wide Habitat Conservation Plan being developed for darters and other aquatic life.

Hedonic Analysis of the Enhancement Value of Georgia’s Trees, Nanette Nelson, Jeffrey Dorfman, Laurie Fowler, 2002. For access inquire at

How to Form a Regional Greenspace Plan: Case Study of the Upper Etowah Watershed, Raysun Mary Goergeon. Masters Thesis, 2002.

Implications of Changes in Riparian Buffer Protection for Georgia’s Trout Streams, Judy L. Meyer, Krista L. Jones, Geoffrey C. Poole, C. Rhett Jackson, James E. Kundell, B. Lane Rivenbark, Elizabeth L. Kramer, William Bumback, 2005. Relationships between trout populations, stream habitat, and average forested riparian buffer widths were used to evaluate the potential for North Georgia’s streams to maintain high-quality trout habitat given different riparian buffer widths.

Identification and Mapping of Critical Habitats in the Conasauga River Corridor of Georgia and Tennessee, Byron J. Freeman, Megan Hagler, Seth Wenger, Greg Andersonand Rachel Katz, 2007. Annual (2006) Section 6 report to the US Fish and Wildlife Service. For access inquire at

Identification and Mapping of Critical Habitats in the Conasauga River Corridor of Georgia and Tennessee, Byron J. Freeman, Megan M. Hagler, Seth J. Wenger and Greg B. Anderson, 2008. Annual (2007) Section 6 report to the US Fish and Wildlife Service. For access inquire at

Introduction to Transferable Development Rights, Melissa Bledsoe, Joe Covert, Matt Freeman, William Jones, Autumn Rierson, 1998. Case studies of TDR programs around the U.S. The Georgia General Assembly passed TDR enabling legislation in 1998.

Keeping Livestock Out of Streams in Georgia, Jill Schonenberg, Land Use Clinic, 2006. Regulatory and incentive methods for requiring or encouraging the fencing of streams to exclude livestock. For access inquire at

Land Conservation Partnership Plan: A Report to Governor Sonny Perdue, Georgia Land Conservation Partnership Advisory Council, 2004. Report proposes a state land conservation plan that emphasizes partnerships with local governments, the private sector, and other institutions for a cooperative movement to achieve appropriate land conservation goals.

LEED Building Ordinances for Local Governments, Dennis Boothe, Lori Leonardo, Darren Rowles, Land Use Clinic, 2007.

The Legacy of Urban Rivers: A Case Study of the North Oconee River.

Lighting and Dark Sky Regulations, Marjorie Palmer, Land Use Clinic, 2008.

Local Wetland Programs: A Guide for Georgia Communities, Katie Sheehan,  2013. Georgia Environmental Protection Division, Department of Natural Resources. Made possible through EPA Wetland Program Development Grant funding. For access inquire at

Managing Fertilizer for Lawn Use: Guidance for Local Governments in Watersheds where Nutrient Loading is an Issue, Katherine A. Sheehan,  2007.

Memo: Keeping Livestock Out of Streams in Georgia, Jill Schonenberg,  Land Use Clinic, 2005. For access inquire at

Model Coastal Riparian Buffer Ordinance for Georgia’s Local Governments, Katherine Rowe, Jennifer Spangler, Emily Franzen, 2007. UGA River Basin Center. Prepared for the Georgia Department of Natural Resources Environmental Protection Division Coastal Nonpoint Source Management Program.

Motivating Private Landowner Conservation to Maximize Ecosystem Services, Dean Hardy, 2008. Funding provided by the Georgia Forestry Commission’s Urban and Community Forestry Grant Program.

Municipal Water Efficiency, Julia Hill, Els Reynaers, Rebecca Cifaldi, Rebecca Klaper, 1998.

New Urbanism and Euclidian Zoning: Can They Co-Exist?, Janna Blasingame Custer, Jamie Baker Roskie, Land Use Clinic, 2007.  Analysis of conflicts between traditional Euclidian zoning and the principles of New Urbanism.

No Net Loss in the U.S. Army Corps Savannah District. Katie S. Hill, J.D., Jonathon W. Skaggs, Hunter L. Jones, J.D., Duncan C. Elkins, PhD. River Basin Center, University of Georgia. Georgia Environmental Restoration Association, 2017. For access inquire at

NPDES Phase II Compliance & Illicit Discharge Ordinances, Benjamin Corson-Knowles, 2005 Land Use Clinic. How municipalities can implement illicit discharge ordinances in compliance with NPDES Phase II.

Official Comment on the Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPRM) on the Clean Water Act Regulatory Definition of “Waters of the United States,”Judy Meyer et al., 2003. Comments submitted to the US EPA relating to isolated wetlands in the wake of the SWANCC decision.

Options for Transboundary Governance to Promote Sustainable and Adaptive Water Management in the Apalachicola‑Chattahoochee‑Flint Basin, Laurie Fowler, Katie Sheehan, and Shannon Bonney, The University Collaborative, 2015. For access inquire at

Phase II Compliance & Illicit Discharge Ordinances, Benjamin Corson-Knowles,  Land Use Clinic, 2005. For access inquire at

The Potential for Community Forests to be Self-Financing: An Hedonic Analysis of the Enhancement Value of Georgia’s Trees, Nanette Nelson, Jeffrey Dorfman, Laurie Fowler, 2002. For access inquire at

Poultry Waste Management for Better Water Quality in the Etowah River, Dave Cazier, Alissa Salmore, 1998. This report focuses on animal waste and specifically addresses chicken farms in the Etowah River basin.

A Primer on Conservation Easements and Greenspace for the Property Tax Division of the Georgia Department of Revenue, Nanette Nelson, Laurie Fowler, 2002.

Protecting Farmland in Developing Communities: A Case Study of the Tax Implications of Agricultural Conservation Easements, Nanette Nelson, Jeff Dorfman and Laurie Fowler, 2001. Exploration of economic costs and benefits of farmland protection strategies including conservation easements and the Conservation Use Program

Protecting the Best: Wildlife Habitat Conservation in Northwest Georgia, Open Space Institute, 2010.

Protecting the Future Forever: Why Perpetual Conservation Easements Outperform Term Easement, Paul Mitchell, Land Use Clinic, 2006.

Protecting Riparian Buffers in Coastal Georgia: Management Options, Emily Franzen, Seth Wenger, Laurie Fowler, Trent Myers, Sandra Glaze. UGA River Basin Center, School of Law, and Land Use Clinic,  2006. An explanation of protection that can be provided by riparian buffers in coastal areas. A new model riparian buffer ordinance tailored to meet the specific needs of local governments along Georgia’s coast is included.

Protecting Stream and River Corridors: Creating Effective Local Riparian Buffer Ordinances, Seth Wenger and Laurie Fowler, 2000.

A Protocol for Establishing Sediment TMDLs, Sediment TMDL Technical Advisory Group, Alice Miller Keyes, Convener and David Radcliffe, Writing Chair, 2002. Developed for The Georgia Conservancy and the UGA Institute of Ecology.

Questions on Potential Landowner Liability for Recreational Use in Georgia, Ronnie Abellera, 1996, updated by John Seay, 2009.

Recommendations for Effective Septic System Management in the Upper Etowah Watershed, Sally Evans, Sarah Hunt, Kristin Minihan, Mitchell Zuckerman,  1999. Evaluating existing septic tank policies and regulation in the watershed and making recommendations to the five counties where appropriate.

Recommendations for Increasing the Effectiveness of Georgia’s Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Water Quality Program: A Report of the Georgia TMDL TAGLaurie Fowler, David Radcliffe, Shana Udvardy, et al., 2007. Sponsored by The Georgia Conservancy, The Odum School of Ecology and the River Basin Center.

Reservoirs in Georgia: Meeting Water Supply Needs while Minimizing Impacts, Gail Cowie, editor; Mary Davis, Skelly Holmbeck-Pelham, Bud Freeman, Mary Freeman, Kathy Hatcher, Rhett Jackson, Alice Miller Keyes, Mike Merrill, Judy Meyer, Ellen Sutherland, Seth Wenger, 2002.

Restoring Horsepen Creek: Recommendations for Camden County, Georgia, Management of Onsite Wastewater Systems, J. Scott Pippin, 2014. This technical document was produced in support of Section 319(h) FY11 Grant—Element 20, Grant Number 751-120145 administered through the Georgia Department of Natural Resources, Environmental Protection Division.

Review of Special Provisions and Other Conditions Placed on GDOT Projects for Imperiled Aquatic Species Protection: Scoping Phase Report, Seth Wenger, Katie Hill, Kit Wheeler, Edward Stowe, Jon Skaggs, Tim Stephens, Byron Freeman, and Brian Bledsoe, October 2017.  Prepared for Georgia Department of Transportation by the University of Georgia River Basin Center. For access inquire at

A Review of the Literature on Riparian Buffer Width, Extent and Vegetation, Seth Wenger, 1999.

Richard B. Russell Parkway, Warner Robins, GA, Beth Cavagnolo, Andrew Echols, Jim Edge, Emily Franzen, Lawton Zurn, Jamie Baker Roskie, 2004. Sustainable development scenarios for Russell Parkway, created with faculty and students from the UGA College of Environment & Design. For access inquire at

Runoff Limits: An Ecologically Based Stormwater Management Program, Seth J. Wenger, Tim L. Carter, R. Alfred Vick, Laurie A. Fowler, 2008. Published inStormwater: The Journal for Surface Water Quality Professionals. For access inquire at

Scientific Basis for Bacterial TMDLs in Georgia, Bacteria Technical Advisory Group (TAG) White Paper, David Radcliffe, Bill Bumback, Shana Udvardy, Peter Hartel, Larry West, Todd Rasmussen, 2006. Developed for The Georgia Conservancy and the UGA Institute of Ecology.

The Scientific Justification for Stream Buffers, Paul Mitchell, Land Use Clinic, 2006. Fact sheet on the importance of stream buffers in protecting water quality.

Sign Control on Rural Corridors: Model Provisions and GuidanceLand Use Clinic, 2003. Funded by Georgia Department of Community Affairs.

The Southeastern Aquatic Biodiversity Conservation Strategy. Elkins, D. C., Sweat S. C., Hill K. S., Kuhajda J. R., George A. L., Wenger S. J. Final Report. Athens (GA): University of Georgia River Basin Center; 2016 Dec. 237 p. For access inquire at

Stormwater Utilities in Georgia, Joshua Smith, Land Use Clinic, 2006. How a local government can establish a stormwater utility to help fund infrastructure improvements to protect water quality.

Stormwater Utility Handbook: A Step-by-Step Guide to Establishing a Utility in Coastal Georgia, Timothy L. Carter, 2008. Funding for this report was provided in part by the Georgia Department of Natural Resources, Environmental Protection Division, through a grant from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency under the provisions of Section 319(h) of the Federal Clean Water Act of 1987, as amended.

Strip Corridor Redevelopment: A Guidance Document, Land Use Clinic, 2004. Guidance document and model ordinance for Georgia local governments, created for the Georgia Department of Community Affairs.

Summary Report Supporting the Development of Ecosystem Flow Recommendations for the Savannah River below Thurmond Dam, Judy Meyer, Merryl Alber, Will Duncan, Mary Freeman, Cody Hale, Rhett Jackson, Cecil Jennings, Monica Palta, Elizabeth Richardson, Rebecca Sharitz, Joan Sheldon, and Richard Weyers,  2003.

TMDLs and Lake Allatoona, James Beck, Kerry Fleming, Amy Mullally, Scott Randolph, 1999. Investigating the effect of the establishment of water quality standards for Lake Allatoona and its major tributaries (including the Upper Etowah) and Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) on the watershed and suggesting strategies on how local governments can assure these standards are met.

Trout Stream Buffer Study: Implications of Changes in Riparian Buffer Protection for Georgia’s Trout Streams, Judy L. Meyer, Krista L. Jones, Geoffrey C. Poole, C. Rhett Jackson, James E. Kundell, B. Lane Rivenbark, Elizabeth L. Kramer, William Bumback, 2005. Relationships between trout populations, stream habitat, and average forested riparian buffer widths were used to evaluate the potential for North Georgia’s streams to maintain high quality trout habitat given different riparian buffer widths.

Trout Stream Buffer Study: Georgia’s Trout Stream Buffer Program Assessment Under the Georgia Erosion and Sedimentation Act and Georgia Water Quality Control Act, Terry A. DeMeo, Don R. Christy and James E. Kundell,  2005. This report explores policy implications of the 2000 Amendments.

UGA River Basin Center Strategic Plan, 2008.

UGA River Basin Center Strategic Plan, 2014.

Upper Etowah & Lake Allatoona Regional Greenspace Initiative, Jeffrey Boring, Marcie Diaz, Raysun Goergen, Brannon Hancock, Clif Henry,  2001. Report links greenspace plans from Upper Etowah counties and proposes regional implementation strategies such as PDR and TDR programs.

Valuing Conservation Easements: A Guide for Georgia Tax Assessors, Katie Sheehan; Laurie Fowler, 2012. Ed. Funds for this project were provided by the Urban and Community Forestry Grant Program administered by the Georgia Forestry Commission.

Vegetated Roofs for Urban Ecosystem Remediation: Performance and Policy in the Tanyard Branch Watershed, Tim Carter, PhD Dissertation, 2006.

Watershed Management Plan, 9 Element, Fall Update 2014: UGA Campus Streams.

Xeriscape Practice in Georgia, Marjorie Palmer, Land Use Clinic, 2008.